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June 20, 2019

the night version of us

Meet me at the night. 

When there is only you and me.


Hug me like you will never leave.


Kiss me like you never did.


Ask the sun to stay asleep and the moon to shine forever.


Tell them I am afraid if morning comes, you will disappear from my eyes.


Because we are dreaming now.


And that is all we can do to be “us”.

April 04, 2018

In between

There is a need in love,

there is a want in obsession,

and there is you in between..

February 12, 2018

If it is not love, what should it be called?

It is not love,

It is just a part of us doesn't want to lose each other,


We are just not ready yet,

Not to be us again.

January 21, 2018

Paradox - 1

Thanks for smiling at me while your mind is somewhere else

Thanks for hugging me while your hands are trying to let me go

Thanks for holding my hand while your feet are walking slowly to leave me

Thanks for pretending you love me while you are not,


For being paradox.

July 28, 2016

I Hope

Dear You,

I miss you.

Even if I spend the whole day with you, I miss you the second you leave. 

The second you leave is the moment when my biggest fear comes to my mind: Losing you.

There is someone who asks me what I am currently worrying about. 

I tell her that not be loved by you is the answer of the question. I am afraid if I can't be good enough for you while there are many girls that admire you and they are much better than me.

I am afraid of what people always say about you: You can do magic well. Today you say you love her and seven days after that you say she is weird and you don't belong to her.

Is it crazy enough, huh?

I know. I know if you read this, you will tell me that I am not one of those girls and you won't do that thing to me. 

You know. You know that I will hug you and smile like there is nothing to worry about.

Nothing to worry about..

"I hope"



May 24, 2016

You Are Still That Nice Person Who I Met On The First Day

Let me take you to the first day we met,


"Nice person. Let's be friend!" I thought.


Then, I met some girls at many times in many ways. They spread rumors about you.




"Nice person. Let's be friend!"


I covered my ears from what people talk, I closed my eyes from your imperfections, I shut my mouth to keep your secrets.


I would and I will always do anything to keep you by my side no matter what people think about you because I know that you are still that nice person who I met on the first day.




Time flies, People changes.



I hope you will do what I have done to you before,

because I know,

you know me more than anyone else.



Your Best-F.

May 23, 2016

If God Created Love, Why Should Religion Separate Us?

God tells us that we are all born equal,

God gives us soul,

God teaches us to love each other,

God creates us in pairs,


Why we have to choose between God and love?

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